Learn about the artist behind Torn Calligraphy
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I go by the alias 'Torn' and I am a modern calligraphy artist based in Kingston, Canada.

At a very early age I found graffiti and it quickly became a part of my life and my identity. Through graffiti I eventually found Calligraffiti which led me to learning the Fraktur and Textura Scripts as well as developing my own script and abstract glyphs. Modern Calligraphy is now the art form I call home.


Textures and happy accidents play a huge role in my visual style whether I'm using ink on paper or paint on canvas. I'm always allowing the medium to behave the way it intends and not allowing things to be too perfect or too clean, letting my ink splatter, run or pull loosely across a gritty surface. My goal is to create works that are visually pleasing with variety in texture, values, line and mood to draw the viewer in. 


Leave me a message about your idea or a project you have in mind and let's collab!


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